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                About us
                Current Location

                   We, Taizhou Huangyan Lebangni Baby Products Co., Ltd( established in 2010), trading as Lebangni & Diyi baby brands, now is become an important baby products manufacturer in China.

                         Located in Huangyan city, Zhejiang province, with 10,000 square meters factory, we main produce baby potty, baby bathtub, baby dinning chair, baby swing car, children desk and etc.

                         Our responsibility is to provide safe and convenient baby products for mothers worldwide, we consistently innovating to provide products each new season. Our products now are welcomed by baby and mothers all over the world, such as Europe countries, America, Australia, South-East Asia, Middle East, Africa, Russia, etc. To let more customers know about us, each year, we attend the Shanghai CBME show and Hongkong baby products fair. You can click our news list to see our last 3 years show. We Welcome you to visit our factory! Sincerely hope to establish a good business relationship with you, and work for our magnificent future together.